I'll Have an Old Fashioned: Courtesy of H&M

After visiting topman.com, I thought only fair that I pay the same respects to H&M. I'll be honest, I don't usually shop at H&M so I was a little skeptical before I looked at what they had to offer online. The first thing I did when I looked at the website was tilt my head ever so slightly to the left. It really was not what I was expecting. These guys know how to sell their stuff. The second was that the clothes weren't bad at all. There was not a nasty item in sight. The third was that someone on the H&M team had peeked into my head and produced the clothes I pictured myself in this summer.

See what I mean about selling clothes? I was initially going to explain what I meant by this but I need not comment. It's a great shirt. I really like the classic vibe. I think it's fairly priced at £20. If you aren't sold on it yet, then wait till the end of the summer. H&M is known for their sales, I'm sure that you'll be able to get it for £10 then. However if you're an impatient poseur like me you'll ensure that that shirt has a firm place in your closet before you end up missing out.

It's the same shirt as the one above. I have no complaints. It is a great shirt for the summer. Quite smart and chilled. It definitely looks more expensive than £20.

This is a nice t shirt. This summer I'm all about the grandfather collars. I think it's a little bit of a steal at £8.
I wanted to give you a different view of the shirt. It's rather unfortunate that they cropped off the top off this poor models head. In fact they seem to be quite mean to him. They consistently cut the top of his head off.
See they've done it again. Only half his hair features in the picture. Having said that it's an awesome grandfather t shirt. It comes in dark blue as well. This shirt is £9.

Remember what I said about awesome sales? This shirt is almost identical to the one above but it is a whopping £2 cheaper. BARGAIN!
It has become clear to me that I really only like white, blue and black clothes. As a fop I find this shameful. I will be more adventurous in the future.

Happy Days,

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