Let me dandify you: Revenge of the Shorts (Topman edition)

I'm on a roll here. Yay me!!

I am very particular about my trousers and shorts. I like them to be well cut and tailored. I like them to be pleated. I need them to be comfortable. I typically like my trousers to be slim fitted, bordering on skinny and this is something topman do very well. Sometimes their trousers are a little too skinny to be honest. There was a time I attempted to try on a 28 inch waist pair of ultra skinny trousers from topman. I was astounded when they didn't make it past my hips. I was so confused by this that I went home and measured my waist. My waist was 27 inches at the time. This is a plea to topman, stop making us feel fat, PLEASE!

I like some of my trousers baggy. I have a pair of Ralph Lauren chinos that I have owned for 6 years. While wearing them it is possible to split.

I like my shorts, short. The shorter the better. When I was younger my mother told me that my legs were sexy. She was trying to get me to put some trousers on. However this had the opposite effect. Topman also does this remarkably well.

Here are some of the shorts they have on sale that I like.

These are perfection. Brilliantly cut. A conservative grey, my father would not have cause to complain. At £40 they're a little pricey, but if topman made more clothes like this sales would be up. I'm adamant about this! It doesn't matter that they may not go well with the clothes I currently own.

Really cool navy blue shorts with Aztec details. I really like them. Would I buy them? No, but they're nice to look at.

These ones are nice and tailored. They look expensive (well more expensive than they are £32)

These are stone pleat tailored shorts and they are also £32. I really like how tailored they look. I would buy these. Everything about them is great.
He's really showing us some leg isn't he? Even though the pockets look quite bizarre I quite like these infinitesimal shorts. Like the Renault Twizy they're bound to get some tongues wagging. This is precisely the sort of fashion risk I like to take but alas the smallest waist size still in stock is a 32. These shorts are £35, they've been reduced from £70. At £70 I'd have had to request parental assistance to purchase them.

Happy Days,

1 comment:

Gaf said...

I actually have the brown ones :D Good taste

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