About Nigerian Parenthood - Support African Booty Scratcher: It's hilarious!!!

There is an urgency and a violence to parenthood that only Nigerians understand. Spurred on by the Bible verse that says, "spare the rod and spoil the child" and the truly astounding realisation that no successful man or woman in existence has two heads, Nigerian parents demand perfection from their children. It is a practice that defies location.From Lagos to Alaska, Nigerian Children all understand the meaning of Dr. Do Good, the agent of parental discipline.

All of this has been mined for the creation of a new television show called African Booty Scratcher that will be hilarious. How could it not be when it's created by Damilare Sonoiki who's most famous for his work on Blackish. The television show is about Nigerian family in America that struggles to balance giving their son a better life while ensuring he maintains their traditional values.

It's a story that I think needs to be told. If my Nigerian childhood is anything to go by it will be some of the funniest material you'll see when it's made. If I were to write a song about it,


Would be the beginning of the first verse.


Would be the beginning of the chorus.

However, there's a catch. To see it made, you'll have to support it with your hard earned cash. The producers need your help to get the pilot of the show made, and to raise the awareness they need to get the show on a major network.

They've got a kickstarter page that you need to support. If you don't support it, we'll continue to sit here and complain about how our Nigerianness has been South Africanised and Hollywoodised by Will Smith's portrayal of Dr Bennet Omalu in Concussion. So put your money where your mouth is, and use your increased Guarantee Trust Bank Limit for something other than your ASOS shopping needs.

Happy Days,

Click here for the kickstarter page.

And Click here for the show's website. There's some seriously cool merchandise there. I recommend the African Booty Scratcher hoodie.

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