What I wore to Lagos Fashion Week 2013 (Street Style) I need new clothes!!

While I really, really like talking about other things, my most favourite thing to talk about is me. I can talk about me until I die. I'm so self absorbed it's ridiculous. In my head, I'm constantly having conversations with myself. "Afam, what do you think about this?" or "How much do we hate this guy right now?" or "If we were to ram the toyota into the side of the bridge, how many pieces of us do you think there'd be" and other such morbid things. So, I'll take a break from talking about other things, and other people and talk about myself. And you're going to read it because you really really really care about me, and after you've read it, you're going to share it, and rave about it to everyone you know, and this time tomorrow, I'll be immensely popular, and the writing jobs will roll in, and there'll be money in the bank, and I'll finally get to take my editors to lunch (Mena, Lia, Mama Afam, A-zone, and Gbaddy I'm talking about you). 

So the question is, while I was running around like a dervish, taking pictures of what other people were wearing, and what clothes the designers made, what was I wearing? The answer isn't nothing. But it must be said, I'm more comfortable about my body than I've ever been. I just finished 30 days of the Insanity work out, and things are looking pretty darn good. 

The before's on the left, the after's on the right. Things are tighter. 

That's the full sized image and stuff. :-). I'm pleased. I still don't like that my right pec is bigger than my left pec from playing squash with my right hand, but you can't have everything.

On the first day of fashion week I wore:

The shirt's from Jack Wills, I quite like it. It's floral and it's blue. The black t's from Levi, the jeans are from diesel, and the boat shoes are Timberland ones. It's a fairly chilled look.This was how I dressed when I went to uni. There's something vaguely nostalgic about it. My dog, Captain Reginald was the photographer, during this photo shoot. He does alright.

When it got hot, I tied the shirt around my waist like a tourist. I quite like tying things around my waist. It makes me feel like I haven't got a care in the world. Captain Reginald got tired of staying behind the camera. He's so vain. If there's a photo being taken, he can't stand if he isn't in it. He's serving ass in this shot. 
I was even more chilled on day 2. It's a Topman t shirt with my Deji Joseph's old jeans. Deji Joseph is the photographer who took the photos of me with the purple hat, and suspenders. He's very good. The shoes are boat shoes from Timberland. I've had them since I was 18. That's 5 years. They're battered but I love them because of it. If they were to rip, I would mourn them as I would a departed friend. Those glasses are real. I wear contacts sometimes, but I'm actually bespectacled. I wouldn't want you to think I was one of those fake glasses wearing hipsters.
This what I wore on day 3. The t-shirt's from H and M. I've got 5 of the same. When you find something that you like, you buy a lot of it. That's my policy. I'm serving some pec cleavage, but it isn't anything too extreme I don't think. I bought the belt from someone in Chelters. He went to Panama for the summer and came back with all sorts of foreign things. I bought it off him for £20. It's 5 years old too. That's quality right there. 

Captain Reginald wasn't content with staying in the background here. I can't deal with that dog. I really can't. If I ever filled out an online dating profile, the title would be must love dog. I spend far too much time agonising over him. I worry about what he's eating, whether he's putting on weight or not, if he's obese, if he's getting enough exercise, and when he's going to learn that doing some things will hurt him. There was this one time, he jumped out of my car while it was moving. I very nearly died. Anyway, here, I'm wearing a t-shirt I've had for 6 years, that says Fabulous disaster. It's a little odd that Papa Afam got me a t-shirt that has fabulous and sparkles on it. If he had known that the t-shirt was at least 2 parts gay, I'm sure he'd have passed. But who cares? I love it still. #nonewclothes

I DIDN'T TRY AT ALL THOUGH. Maybe I'll do better next year (I doubt it).
Happy Days,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Danmilola the first two pics are clear reflections of VANITY upon VANITY!!! I am still a 'Famzer' :D and I don't think this your "cry for new clothing" technique is going to work for Papa Afam :) On the bright side..good write up as alwayz...Kudos and keep writing..Chinazor..xxx

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