I like baseball caps. Introducing the Afam cap.

I like baseball caps. I would say more about what it is about baseball caps that I like, but that's going in a post for my buddies at alpha rings (they'll soon be Australia's biggest men's lifestyle and fashion blog. Believe it!!). But never fear, you'll get to read it soon enough. I'll stick it on the facebook page, when it goes up (https://www.facebook.com/theramblingsofamadmanafam).

I like baseball caps so much that I went out and got one. This one's a nice one. I've christened it the Afam cap because it's got a massive A on it.

Here, I'm wearing a plaid flannel shirt from Reiss. I've had it for about three years. I love the red detail on the sleeves. The t shirt is from River Island. It's quite literally the softest thing. I can't remember where I got the jeans from. They're probably hand me downs from my brother, Gbaddy, or cast offs from Asquith. He passed a few of his clothes on to me when he started weight training at the gym. The boat shoes are from Timberland. I've had those for 5 years. I find that I tend to like my old clothes more than I do my new ones. #nonewclothes

Happy Days,

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